Saturday, August 23, 2008

Stuff Vegetarians Like

Fake Meat
Deep down inside, the vegetarian loves the sound of eating chicken and beef. Why not just eat the real thing? Deep fried soy paste does not taste the same as the flesh of an animal. No matter how hard you try.

90% of vegetarians I talk to say they eat fish. Well then you're not a fucking vegetarian.

Taking a Long Time To Order From a Menu
Vegetarians have to take as long as they can to order food when dining at a restaurant that caters to everyone. The entire table is ready to order their delicious Rack of Lamb and the "vegetarian", who we all know is just going to get the Baby Green Salad, is complaining about how there is nothing on the menu to eat. Get the Chicken Wings, wash off all the flavor with your water, and pretend its soy. How about that for a change?

Judging Meat Eaters
Just because we eat calf doesn't mean we worship a golden one. Vegetarians look down on the meat eater as if we are some kind of abomination of hipster bohemian society. In their eyes, carnivores spawned in the depths of hell and came to earth to destroy all that is good, cute, and furry.
**On a side note, why is it that carnivorous dinosaurs are made to look like the bad guys in movies? If you had big sharp teeth and an empty stomach, wouldn't a juicy triceratops look tasty to you too?**
It the circle of life really. A farmer grows corn, cuts it from the stalk, dries it, and feeds it to chickens. When the chicken is nice a plump, the farmer uses a sharpened device to sever the chickens head, drain its blood and insides, and strip it of its feathers. Then the meat of the bird is battered and fried to be served over my waffle for me to eat.

Responding to Blogs About Vegetarians
Bring it on.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Stuff Depressed People Like

Razor Blades
Just a though.

Dark Clouds
"That one over there looks like my blackened soul."

It isn't breakfast. It isn't lunch. It's alone. All alone.

Any Movie With John Cusack In It
There is always a scene with him in the rain.

Other Depressed People
Person: "What are you doing?"
Other: "...Nothing."
Person: *sigh* "...yeah..."
Other: "...Let's get brunch"

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Stuff Racist People Like

Literature That Supports Their Beliefs
Mein Kampf, Uncle Tom's Cabin, The Turner Diaries. As long as it can be used as an "intelligible" source of proof, racists love it. Pointing to a novel as proof that blacks are stupid or Jews are stealing money does two things for a racist, one it shows that they are smart because they can read, and two, it makes them invulnerable to accusation, because they are just telling you about someone else's opinions.  

White Bed Sheets
Think about it...

Sprinkling in Racist Dribble in Everyday Conversation
"Well what do you expect from Mexico?" "So I saw this really scary black guy earlier today." "I don't really wanna go to Chinese food, there might be a dog or something in their chow mein."

Friday, August 15, 2008

Stuff People Who Date Eddie Murphy Like

Partying all the Time

Eddie Murphy doesn't really like that she parties all the time, but, what is he to do??

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Stuff Middle-age Men Like

Living Beyond Their Means
Fast cars, expensive toys. That's exactly what 20 years of establishing good credit is for. 

Young Women
It's like when you go home with a woman and you wake up the next day and realize that she is ugly. Except this time the woman is your wife, and the next day is 10 years later. 

Ray Bans
Nothing takes the focus off graying hair and says "I'm young" like some stylish sunglasses like Joel wears. 

Changing Careers
Finally telling your boss to fuck off. Now it's time for an unpaid internship at a design firm... all you have to do is learn Maya, Photoshop, Corel, and Quark first. 

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Stuff David Hasselhoff Likes

It's not an addiction, just something he likes to drink. Daily. All-daily.
Cheese Burgers
He could eat them anywhere. 

Got him a job on America's Got Talent. Bitch. 

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Stuff Redneck People Like

Although Jeff Foxworthy has done his part to cover this subject, we'll add a few more observations.

Confederate Flags 
A subtle way to tell everyone, "I still don't like black people."

The Second Amendment 
Good for protection against thieves (a.k.a. minorities). And no it's not a phallic symbol that compensates for low self esteem... You're just jealous you don't have one as powerful. 

This is linked to not liking the environment.

Too bad they hate democrats. 

Monday, August 11, 2008

Stuff Vikings Like

When you're depriving a city of all their natural resources, and you meet a nice woman, it seems logical to just take her too. 

Really just anything taken by force.

Viking 1: Set an open course, to the virgin sea. 
Viking 2: Maybe we'll find some virgins.
Viking 1: Yeah... And fuck 'em.
Longship with 80 Vikings aboard: Yeah!
Viking 2: Boosh. 

Other Vikings
It's not often you see Vikings hanging out with Starbucks Baristas. 

Braiding Beards
Intimidating when coupled with an ax. 

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Stuff Illiterate People Like

Pictures on Menus
It's easier just to point at what you want to eat.

Monosyllabic words
Yes, they good. (However, illiterate people do not like the word monosyllabic)




Saturday, August 9, 2008

Stuff Drowning People Like

But not when combined with Hydrogen. Oh yeah, it's an atom joke.

Life Savers

Courageous Dolphins 
Unlike a life guard they wont ask for thanks. Fuck life guards. 

Buoyant Objects
F_\mathrm{net} = mg - \rho V g \,
Your drowning ass better hope that Fnet is a negative number. 

Friday, August 8, 2008

Stuff Internet Predators Like

AIM chat rooms
Hornysexywoman6128: I'm lonely....
Internetpredator: Perfect.

"ASL?" "PAW" "Pix?" "IWSN!!" "Wanna be FBs?"
Abbreviating cuts through the getting-to-know-each-other phase of the conversation, and gets right to the, wanna-meet-up-and-fuck part of the conversation. 

Internetpredator: Just call me Robert. 

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Stuff Migrant Workers Like

It's important to protect your hands. After all, a man once said, "A man is not paid for having hands, but for using them." And the migrant workers didn't understand him.

Straw Hats
Spending most of your day outside, you need some kind of protection from UV rays. And umbrellas, although highly effective, slow progress in your back yard. 

White People Deciding They Need to Fix Up the House
Helloooooo $60. 

A status symbol. Like Tom Selleck it says, "I'm a man." On a side note, if your BMI is less than 20, and you have a mustache, it says, "I'm in a man."

Home Depot Parking Lots
Fact: The average migrant worker spends over 2/3 of their life in a Home Depot parking lot.
Fact: When migrant workers start getting college degrees white people are gonna be screwed. 

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Stuff Child Molesters Like

Play Grounds
A great place to make friends... good friends. Even if by force.

Sharing Candy
Sharing is caring. If I care enough to share my candy, you should care enough to share yourself.

White GMC Vans
Fast, unrecognizable, and it can fit a bed and a video camera in the back. What's not to like?

Public Pool Showers
Society doesn't have enough places where men and boys can get together and be naked.

Keeping Secrets
No one would understand your secret anyway.